You don’t know me, so on what basis are you claiming to know what I’ve studied? If anything, you are the one being slick. You can’t debate me fact for fact, so you start with the condescending behavior. I also have Amerindian heritage. There’s no egotism on my part, but the fact that you are now trying to insult me would suggest that you need to check your ego and learn to have a mature conversation with someone who has a differing view than you.
I also don’t know what you mean by my colonialism is showing? You are being silly now trying to suggest that me promoting African identity is a form of colonialism. Again, you don’t know me nor my history, so stop pretending that you do. What also makes your comment silly is the long list of anti-colonial Pan-African revolutionaries that I can point to you were very vocal about promoting the African identity. By your logic Thomas Sankara, Peter Tosh, Queen Mother Moore, Kwame Nkrumah, Malcolm X, and so many others also showed their colonialism by promoting African identity and pride.
As for Morgan Freeman, he is the one saying things like racism will disappear if we just stop talking about it. Freeman grew up in the civil rights era, but he has never been an activist. In fact, one of the issues I’ve had with Freeman was the manner in which he dismissed Carter G. Woodson’s lifework, when Woodson was an educator and an activist who fought battles for African Americans that Freeman has never fought.
Once again, you don’t know me so I have no idea why you are now trying to diagnose me with a personal complex. It seems like since you don’t have any real counterpoints or counterarguments, you go right for personal insults. The irony is that such conduct exposes your colonialism. The African culture that I was raised in is not a culture where we handle disagreements in the way that you are handling it.